There are moments in time when the world fades away. It's pretty rare but when it does happen it can be life changing....

Your cell phone is ringing off the hook.
Bill O'Reilly is screaming about something or other on the TV.
The baby is crying, your ipod is stroking out.
Facebook is stalking you.
Your to-do list just got longer.
Your mind is full of self-doubt.
The mailman just handed you a stack of bills you can't pay.
Your laptop just notified you of impending doom through a virus that is SURE to ruin your life.
You're mad as hell and you just can't take any more!

Then it happens. The world disappears. Slowly. It begins fading at the corners of your eyes. Like a blurry photograph. It seeps in like tunnel vision. And before you know it, you're free. All you know is relief. And immeasureable joy. It may only last for a minute but it is the longest minute of your life.

Nehemiah 8:10 says:
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." 
The JOY of the Lord. His delight in YOU will give you strength.
When all is lost.....ask for a moment. He'll give it to you.